update log

record of changes made to the site.

june 25th, 2024: the site is given another new theme. all links are removed from the index, as all pages are to undergo renovation.

june 23, 2024: a series of wholly unnecessary changes are made to the about page. the credits are written.

june 21, 2024: the new color palette is finalized. a manuscript is uploaded for the first time. the tributes landing page is altered for mystery and organization both.

june 19, 2024: a tribute is created for the first time. the site is given a new color palette.

june 16, 2024: faq and about are given text. the previously written diary entries are deleted to make room for new formatting, and a new one is written. the first artwork is uploaded to the studio.

june 15, 2024: content is added to home. a diary entry is made for the first time.

june 14, 2024: jabberwockie is born.